Working of filters

Rating and Review - Students submit Rating and Review from the student dashboard of www.standyou.com based on Results, Teachers, Infrastructure, Fee, and Ancillary teaching. Cumulative calculation of all the rating points is calculated to make overall rating.

Total number of selection - Filter works on total number of selection of students in JEE Advanced in case of Engineering and AIIMS in case of medical.

Percentage of selection - Filters works on total percentage of selection of students in JEE Advanced in case of Engineering and AIIMS in case of medical.

Fee - Fee filter works on low to high fee of one year droppers batch of JEE Advanced in case of Engineering and NEET in case of medical.

Verified - All the verified profiles will be listed as per date of listing; first listing will be on top and accordingly.

Note - The content does not constitute, and shall not be construed as, financial, investment, taxation, or legal advice to the visitor. Our objective is only to keep visitors better informed and help them decide for themselves. We do not accept responsibility for any investment decisions made by visitors based on content. SDILPL shall not be liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever to the visitor or to any third party for any consequences, including without limitation financial consequences, arising from use of the content. If data of institute is not available then first listing will be on top and accordingly.