Study in Norway

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Study in Norway | Top Universities, Courses, Fees, Eligibility & Admission

Why Study in Norway

1. High-Quality Education: Norway is renowned for its excellent education system. Norwegian universities and colleges consistently rank among the top institutions globally. The country emphasizes practical and research-based learning, ensuring students receive a high-quality education.

2. Tuition-Free Education: One of the main advantages for international students is that public universities in Norway offer tuition-free education, regardless of nationality. This makes studying in Norway an affordable option compared to other countries with high tuition fees.

3. English-Taught Programs: Most Norwegian universities offer a wide range of programs taught in English, making them accessible to international students. This eliminates language barriers and provides an opportunity to earn a degree while studying in a multicultural environment.

4. Strong Focus on Research and Innovation: Norway is known for its commitment to research and innovation. The country actively supports cutting-edge research across various disciplines. Studying in Norway allows students to be part of a vibrant academic community and engage in research projects with leading experts.

5. Safe and Inclusive Environment: Norway consistently ranks as one of the safest countries globally. The society is known for its inclusivity and respect for diversity. International students can feel secure and welcomed while studying in Norway.

6. Stunning Natural Beauty: Norway's breathtaking landscapes, including fjords, mountains, and Northern Lights, attract students seeking a unique study experience. The country offers opportunities for outdoor activities, such as hiking, skiing, and exploring the wilderness, providing a balanced lifestyle.

7. High Standard of Living: Norway has a high standard of living, with excellent healthcare, social welfare systems, and public services. Although living costs may be relatively high, students can benefit from part-time job opportunities and scholarships to manage their expenses.

8. Vibrant Student Life: Norwegian universities have active student communities that organize various events, clubs, and societies, creating a vibrant and engaging student life. Students can participate in cultural activities, sports, and student organizations, fostering personal growth and social connections.

9. Global Career Opportunities: Norwegian qualifications are highly regarded worldwide. Studying in Norway can enhance your employment prospects, as the country encourages innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. Additionally, international students can benefit from post-study work opportunities in Norway.

10. Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship: Norway is committed to sustainability and environmental conservation. Students interested in environmental sciences, renewable energy, climate change, and related fields will find Norway an ideal place to study, as the country is at the forefront of sustainable development initiatives.

Education System in Norway

  1. Early Childhood Education and Care (Barnehage): Education in Norway typically begins with early childhood education and care, which is available for children from the age of one until they start primary school. Barnehage focuses on play, socialization, and early learning.

  2. Primary and Lower Secondary Education (Grunnskole): Compulsory education in Norway starts at the age of six and lasts for ten years. Primary and lower secondary education, known as "grunnskole," is divided into two stages: the first seven years (trinn 1-7) and the last three years (trinn 8-10). The curriculum includes a broad range of subjects, including Norwegian, mathematics, English, social sciences, natural sciences, physical education, and more.

  3. Upper Secondary Education (Videregående skole): After completing compulsory education, students have the option to continue their studies in upper secondary education. Upper secondary school typically lasts for three years (Vg1, Vg2, Vg3) and offers various academic and vocational programs. Students can choose from general studies, vocational subjects, or a combination of both. Completion of upper secondary education leads to a diploma and qualifies students for higher education.

  4. Higher Education: Norway has several universities, specialized university colleges, and state colleges offering higher education programs. The Norwegian higher education system consists of two main types of institutions:

    • Universities: These institutions focus on research and provide a wide range of academic disciplines, including humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, and more.

    • University Colleges and State Colleges: These institutions primarily offer professional and vocational programs in fields such as nursing, teaching, engineering, business, and arts.

Tuition Fee & Cost of Living in Norway

Tuition Fee in Norway: Public universities and state university colleges in Norway offer tuition-free education for both Norwegian and international students, regardless of nationality. This means that you can study at a public institution without paying tuition fees for your degree. However, keep in mind that some specialized programs and private institutions may have tuition fees, so it's important to check the specific program and institution you're interested in.

Cost of Living in Norway: While tuition fees in Norway are generally free, the cost of living can be relatively high compared to some other countries. The cost of living can vary depending on factors such as location, accommodation choices, lifestyle, and personal spending habits. Here are some estimated average monthly expenses in Norway:

1. Accommodation: The cost of accommodation in Norway can be quite high, especially in major cities like Oslo, Bergen, or Trondheim. On average, you can expect to pay between 5,000 to 10,000 NOK (Norwegian Krone) per month for student housing or shared apartments. Renting a private apartment can be more expensive.

2. Food: Groceries and dining out in Norway can be costly. On average, you might spend around 2,500 to 4,500 NOK per month on food, depending on your eating habits and whether you cook at home or eat out.

3. Transportation: Public transportation in Norway is efficient but can be relatively expensive. Monthly public transportation passes can cost around 700 to 1,000 NOK, depending on the city. Bicycles are also a popular mode of transportation, especially in urban areas.

4. Health Insurance: As an international student, you will typically need health insurance coverage during your studies. The cost of health insurance can vary depending on the provider and coverage options. It is essential to have health insurance to cover any medical expenses you may incur.

5. Books and Supplies: The cost of textbooks and study materials can vary depending on your program and courses. On average, you might need to budget around 500 to 1,000 NOK per month for books and supplies.

Eligibility to Study in Norway for Indian & International Students

  1. Bachelor's Degree Programs:

    • Completed secondary education equivalent to Norwegian upper secondary school.
    • Proof of English proficiency: Most universities require a minimum score on recognized English language proficiency tests like IELTS or TOEFL. Some programs may have additional language requirements.
    • Documentation of academic transcripts and certificates from previous education.
    • Some programs may have additional requirements such as entrance exams, portfolios, or interviews.
  2. Master's Degree Programs:

    • A completed bachelor's degree or equivalent from a recognized institution.
    • Proof of English proficiency: Similar to bachelor's programs, you will need to provide evidence of English language proficiency through tests like IELTS or TOEFL.
    • Academic transcripts and certificates from previous education.
    • Some programs may require specific prerequisites or additional documentation based on the field of study.
  3. PhD Programs:

    • A relevant master's degree or equivalent.
    • Research proposal: You may need to submit a detailed research proposal outlining your intended research project.
    • Academic transcripts and certificates from previous education.
    • Proof of English proficiency.
    • Some programs may require additional requirements, such as letters of recommendation or interviews.
  4. Language Requirements:

    • For non-native English speakers, proof of English language proficiency is typically required. Accepted English language tests include IELTS, TOEFL, or Cambridge English exams. The specific score requirements may vary depending on the university and program.

Scholarship to Study in Norway

Scholarship Name Description Eligibility Application Period
Norwegian Quota Scheme Scholarship for students from certain countries Varies by country and level of education Announced annually
Erasmus+ European Union scholarship program European Union countries Announced annually
Fulbright Program Scholarships for U.S. students U.S. citizens Announced annually
UiO Quota Scheme Scholarships for students at the University of Oslo Specific countries and programs Announced annually
BI Presidential Scholarships Scholarships for international students at BI Norwegian Business School International students Announced annually
NHH Norwegian School of Economics Scholarships Scholarships for international students at NHH Norwegian School of Economics International students Announced annually
University of Bergen Scholarships Scholarships for international students at the University of Bergen International students Announced annually
NTNU Tuition Waiver Tuition waiver for selected international students International students Announced annually

Qualifying Exams to Study in Norway

  1. English Language Proficiency Exams:

    • IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
    • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
    • Cambridge English exams (such as Cambridge English: Advanced or Proficiency)
  2. Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT):

    • Some business schools may require the GMAT for admission to their master's programs in management or related fields.
  3. Graduate Record Examination (GRE):

    • The GRE is a standardized test often required for admission to graduate programs in various disciplines, such as engineering, sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
  4. Specific Subject-Specific Exams:

    • Some programs, particularly in the sciences or engineering, may require subject-specific exams or tests to assess your knowledge and aptitude in a particular field.

Intake to Study in Norway

Intake Description Application Period
Autumn Semester Main intake for most programs December to March (varies by university)
Spring Semester Limited intake for select programs and universities August to October (varies by university)
Summer/Winter School Short-term programs, workshops, or language courses Varies - check specific program requirements

Top 20 Universities in Norway

1. University of Oslo (UiO): Norway's oldest and largest university, renowned for its research in various fields, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and medicine.

2. University of Bergen (UiB): Known for its strong focus on interdisciplinary research, UiB offers a wide range of programs across disciplines such as social sciences, natural sciences, humanities, and marine sciences.

3. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): Specializing in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, NTNU is one of the largest universities in Norway and has a strong research and innovation focus.

4. University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway (UiT): Located in Northern Norway, UiT is known for its expertise in Arctic studies, indigenous studies, marine biology, and other disciplines related to the Arctic region.

5. Norwegian School of Economics (NHH): A leading business school in Norway, NHH offers programs in economics, finance, business administration, and entrepreneurship, known for its high-quality research and academic environment.

6. University of Stavanger (UiS): Known for its close ties to the industry, UiS offers programs in various fields, including technology, energy, business administration, and health sciences.

7. Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU): Specializing in programs related to environmental sciences, sustainability, agriculture, forestry, and veterinary medicine, NMBU is at the forefront of research and education in these fields.

8. Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet): Offering a wide range of programs, OsloMet focuses on applied sciences, professional studies, teacher education, social sciences, and health sciences.

9. Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU Gjøvik): A campus of NTNU, NTNU Gjøvik specializes in fields like information security, computer science, and digital forensics, providing cutting-edge research and education in these areas.

10. University of Agder (UiA): Known for its strong focus on applied research and practical education, UiA offers programs in areas such as engineering, social sciences, economics, and teacher education.

11. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL): Comprising several campuses, HVL offers a wide range of programs in areas like health sciences, engineering, business, and social sciences, emphasizing practical learning and industry collaboration.

12. Nord University: With campuses spread across Northern Norway, Nord University offers programs in fields like Arctic studies, health sciences, business, education, and social sciences.

13. Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH): Specializing in music education and research, NMH offers a wide range of programs in music performance, composition, musicology, and music education.

14. Molde University College (HiMolde): Known for its expertise in logistics, HiMolde offers programs in areas such as logistics and supply chain management, economics, and business administration.

15. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN): With campuses in various locations, INN offers programs in areas such as teacher education, health sciences, social sciences, and business administration.

16. UIT The Arctic University of Norway - Campus Alta: The Alta campus of UiT specializes in indigenous studies, tourism, and cultural studies, providing unique educational opportunities related to the Arctic region and indigenous cultures.

17. VID Specialized University: A private university, VID specializes in programs related to social sciences, health sciences, theology, and religion, with a focus on practical training and ethical perspectives.

18. University of South-Eastern Norway (USN): USN offers a wide range of programs across disciplines like engineering, health sciences, business administration, and arts, with a focus on innovation and collaboration with the industry.

19. University of Nordland (UiN): UiN offers programs in areas such as business administration, nursing, teacher education, and aquaculture, known for its practical approach to education and research.

20. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) - Lillehammer: The Lillehammer campus of INN specializes in programs related to film studies, media studies, journalism, and arts, offering a creative and dynamic learning environment.

Bachelor Courses in Norway

University Course Name Intake
University of Oslo Bachelor in Biology Autumn Semester
University of Bergen Bachelor in Psychology Autumn Semester
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Bachelor in Engineering Autumn and Spring Semesters
University of Tromsø Bachelor in Arctic Indigenous Studies Autumn Semester
Norwegian University of Life Sciences Bachelor in Environmental Sciences Autumn Semester
Oslo Metropolitan University Bachelor in International Business Autumn Semester
University of Agder Bachelor in Information Technology Autumn Semester
Nord University Bachelor in Nursing Autumn Semester
Molde University College Bachelor in Logistics Autumn Semester
University of Stavanger Bachelor in Renewable Energy Autumn Semester

Master Courses in Norway

University Course Name Tuition Fees Intake Eligibility
University of Oslo Master in Computer Science No tuition fees Autumn Semester Bachelor's degree in relevant field; English proficiency
University of Bergen Master in Psychology No tuition fees Autumn Semester Bachelor's degree in psychology or related field; English proficiency
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Master in Engineering No tuition fees Autumn and Spring Semesters Bachelor's degree in relevant field; English proficiency
University of Tromsø Master in Arctic Indigenous Studies No tuition fees Autumn Semester Bachelor's degree in relevant field; English proficiency
Norwegian University of Life Sciences Master in Environmental Sciences No tuition fees Autumn Semester Bachelor's degree in environmental sciences or related field; English proficiency
Oslo Metropolitan University Master in International Business No tuition fees Autumn Semester Bachelor's degree in business or related field; English proficiency
University of Agder Master in Information Technology No tuition fees Autumn Semester Bachelor's degree in relevant field; English proficiency
Nord University Master in Nursing No tuition fees Autumn Semester Bachelor's degree in nursing or related field; English proficiency
Molde University College Master in Logistics No tuition fees Autumn Semester Bachelor's degree in relevant field; English proficiency
University of Stavanger Master in Renewable Energy No tuition fees Autumn Semester Bachelor's degree in relevant field; English proficiency

Cost of living in Norway

Expense Cost Range (NOK)
Accommodation (Rent) 4,500 - 12,000
Utilities (Electricity, Water, Heating) 500 - 1,000
Internet 300 - 600
Groceries 2,500 - 4,500
Public Transportation 500 - 1,000
Eating Out 100 - 400
Study Materials 300 - 500
Health Insurance 600 - 1,000
Leisure and Entertainment 500 - 1,000
Total 9,300 - 21,000

Documents Required to Study in Norway

  1. Application Form: Completed and signed application form provided by the university or the application portal.

  2. Proof of Identity: Valid passport or national identification document.

  3. Educational Documents:

    • High School Diploma/Transcripts: Official documents showing completion of secondary education or equivalent.
    • Bachelor's Degree Certificate/Transcripts (for master's programs): Official documents showing completion of a relevant bachelor's degree program and transcripts of academic records.
  4. English Language Proficiency Test Results: Scores from recognized English language proficiency tests such as IELTS or TOEFL, if your previous education was not conducted in English.

  5. Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume: A detailed summary of your educational background, work experience, and any other relevant qualifications.

  6. Statement of Purpose (SOP)/Motivation Letter: A written statement explaining your reasons for applying to the specific program, your academic and career goals, and how the program aligns with your aspirations.

  7. Letters of Recommendation: Typically, two or three letters of recommendation from professors, teachers, or employers who can attest to your academic abilities and character.

  8. Portfolio or Artistic Work (if applicable): For programs in creative fields such as fine arts, design, or performing arts, you may need to submit a portfolio or samples of your creative work.

  9. Proof of Financial Means: Evidence that you have sufficient funds to cover your living expenses and tuition fees in Norway. This can include bank statements, scholarship letters, or sponsorship letters.

  10. Health Insurance: Proof of health insurance coverage that is valid in Norway. This may include travel insurance or a specific health insurance policy.

  11. Valid Study Visa/Residence Permit (for non-EU/EEA students): If you are a non-EU/EEA student, you will need to apply for a study visa or residence permit to study in Norway.

How to Apply to Universities in Norway

1. Research and Choose Universities/Programs: Begin by researching universities and programs in Norway that align with your academic and career goals. Consider factors such as program content, faculty, location, and eligibility requirements.

2. Check Application Deadlines: Note the application deadlines for your chosen universities and programs. Deadlines can vary, so make sure to check the official websites for accurate information.

3. Complete the Online Application: Most universities in Norway have an online application system. Create an account on the university's application portal and fill out the application form with accurate and complete information.

4. Prepare Supporting Documents: Gather all the required supporting documents for your application, such as educational transcripts, diplomas, language proficiency test scores, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, CV/resume, and any other documents specified by the university.

5. Submit Application and Pay Fees: Upload all the required documents through the online application portal. Pay any application fees or processing fees, if applicable.

6. Scholarship Applications (if applicable): If you are applying for scholarships, research and apply for the relevant scholarships by submitting additional scholarship application forms and documents.

7. Track the Application Status: After submitting your application, you can typically track the status of your application through the university's application portal. Some universities may also provide email notifications or updates on the application process.

8. Await Admission Decision: The university's admission committee will review your application, and you will receive an admission decision. This can take several weeks or months, depending on the university and program.

9. Accept the Offer and Arrange Finances: If you receive an offer of admission, carefully review the offer letter, including any conditions or requirements. Accept the offer within the specified deadline and make arrangements for financing your studies, including tuition fees and living expenses.

10. Apply for Visa/Residence Permit (for non-EU/EEA students): If you are a non-EU/EEA student, you will need to apply for a study visa or residence permit at the nearest Norwegian embassy or consulate in your home country.

Grading System in the Universities of Norway

  • A (Excellent): Outstanding performance that demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
  • B (Very Good): Above-average performance with a clear understanding of the subject matter.
  • C (Good): Satisfactory performance that meets the expectations and requirements of the course.
  • D (Fair): Adequate performance, but with some shortcomings or minor errors.
  • E (Sufficient): Performance that meets the minimum requirements but may indicate significant weaknesses.
  • F (Fail): Performance that does not meet the minimum requirements for passing the course.

Students life in Norway

1. Active Student Organizations: Norwegian universities have active student organizations and associations that organize various activities, events, and clubs catering to different interests. These organizations provide opportunities to meet new people, engage in extracurricular activities, and enhance your social life.

2. Student Welfare Services: Norwegian universities offer comprehensive student welfare services, including career counseling, academic support, health services, and social welfare support. These services are designed to ensure the well-being and success of students during their time at university.

3. Outdoor and Recreational Activities: Norway's breathtaking natural landscapes provide ample opportunities for outdoor activities. Students can engage in hiking, skiing, camping, and other outdoor pursuits. The country's fjords, mountains, and forests offer a stunning backdrop for exploration and recreation.

4. Student Housing and Accommodation: Norwegian universities usually provide student housing options either on or near the campus. Student housing complexes foster a sense of community and offer a convenient living arrangement for students. Additionally, there are student welfare organizations that assist students in finding suitable accommodation in the private rental market.

5. Cultural and Social Events: Norway hosts a variety of cultural and social events throughout the year, including music festivals, art exhibitions, sports competitions, and traditional celebrations. Students can immerse themselves in the rich Norwegian culture, explore local traditions, and enjoy the lively social scene.

6. International Student Community: Norway attracts a significant number of international students, creating a diverse and multicultural student community. This offers an opportunity to meet and connect with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and countries, fostering a global learning environment.

7. Work Opportunities: As an international student in Norway, you are allowed to work part-time while studying. This enables you to gain work experience, supplement your income, and enhance your understanding of the Norwegian work culture.

8. Public Transportation: Norway has an efficient and well-connected public transportation system, making it easy for students to commute between campus, accommodation, and other destinations. Students usually benefit from discounted transportation fares.

9. Student Discounts: Students in Norway are eligible for various discounts on public transportation, cultural events, museums, and recreational activities. Student IDs are often used to avail of these discounts.

10. Focus on Work-Life Balance: Norwegian culture places a strong emphasis on maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This is reflected in the education system, which encourages students to prioritize well-being, leisure activities, and personal development alongside their academic pursuits.

Student Visa Requirements in Norway

1. Letter of Admission: You must have received an offer of admission from a recognized educational institution in Norway.

2. Proof of Financial Means: You need to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to cover your living expenses and tuition fees in Norway. This can be in the form of bank statements, scholarship letters, or sponsorship letters.

3. Health Insurance: You must provide proof of health insurance coverage that is valid in Norway. This can be through a private health insurance policy or by obtaining the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or a similar document.

4. Housing Confirmation: You may be required to provide confirmation of accommodation in Norway, such as a rental contract or a letter from the university confirming your housing arrangements.

5. Passport: Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the intended duration of your stay in Norway.

6. Completed Application Form: You must fill out and submit the application form for a student visa or residence permit. The form can usually be obtained from the Norwegian embassy or consulate in your home country or completed online through the application portal.

7. Passport-sized Photos: You will need to provide recent passport-sized photographs as per the specifications outlined by the Norwegian authorities.

8. Proof of Language Proficiency: Depending on the language of instruction of your chosen program, you may need to provide proof of language proficiency. This can be demonstrated through recognized language proficiency tests such as IELTS or TOEFL.

9. Application Fee: There is typically an application fee associated with the student visa or residence permit application. The fee amount may vary depending on your country of citizenship.

10. Medical Examination: In some cases, you may be required to undergo a medical examination to ensure that you meet the health requirements for entry into Norway.

Part-time work option in Norway

1. Work Hours: As an international student, you are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year (defined as 40% of a full-time workload). During semester breaks or holidays, you can work full-time.

2. Work Permit: As an international student, you do not need a separate work permit to work part-time in Norway. Your student residence permit allows you to work alongside your studies.

3. Availability of Jobs: Norway has a relatively low unemployment rate and a strong economy, which can offer good job opportunities for international students. Common part-time jobs for students include positions in retail, hospitality, tutoring, administrative work, and research assistantships at universities.

4. Language Requirements: Proficiency in Norwegian may be required for certain part-time jobs, especially those that involve direct customer interaction. However, there are also opportunities available in English-speaking environments, such as international organizations and multinational companies.

5. Student Welfare Organizations: Many universities in Norway have student welfare organizations that assist students in finding part-time employment opportunities. These organizations provide information, resources, and job listings specifically tailored to student needs.

6. Networking: Building a professional network can be beneficial when seeking part-time work. Attend career fairs, join student organizations, and engage in extracurricular activities to expand your network and increase your chances of finding part-time employment.

7. Taxation: If you earn income from your part-time job in Norway, you will be subject to taxation. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the Norwegian tax regulations and obtain a tax card from the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) to ensure proper tax deductions.

8. Balance with Studies: While working part-time can provide additional income and work experience, it's important to maintain a healthy balance between work and studies. Ensure that your work schedule allows you to prioritize your academic commitments.

Work Visa and PR in Norway

1. Work Visa:

A. Job Offer: To apply for a work visa, you typically need a confirmed job offer from a Norwegian employer. The employer must demonstrate that they were unable to find a suitable candidate from within the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland to fill the position.

B. Application Process: The employer must initiate the application process by submitting the necessary documents to the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) on your behalf. You may need to provide additional supporting documents, such as educational qualifications, work experience, and proof of language proficiency.

C. Residence Permit: If your work visa application is approved, you will be granted a residence permit that allows you to work in Norway. The duration of the permit will depend on the nature of your employment contract.

2. Permanent Residence (PR):

A. Work and Residency Requirements: To be eligible for PR in Norway, you must typically have lived and worked in the country for a certain period. The exact requirements vary depending on the circumstances, but generally, you need to have legally resided in Norway for at least three years on a valid work visa or residence permit.

B. Integration Program: Completion of an integration program, which includes language courses and social studies, may be required as part of the PR application process.

C. Application Process: You can apply for PR through the UDI. The application typically involves providing personal information, documentation of employment and residency, proof of language proficiency, and other supporting documents.

D. Evaluation and Decision: The UDI will evaluate your application and make a decision regarding your PR. If approved, you will be granted a permanent residence permit, allowing you to live and work in Norway indefinitely.

Placement after study in Norway

Company/Industry Description
Equinor An energy company specializing in oil, gas, and renewables
DNB Norway's largest financial services group
Telenor A telecommunications company with a global presence
Aker Solutions An engineering and technology company for the energy sector
Statoil An energy company engaged in oil and gas exploration
Schibsted A media group operating newspapers, online classifieds, etc.
Statkraft Europe's largest generator of renewable energy
Kongsberg Gruppen A technology corporation focusing on maritime and defense
Norsk Hydro A global aluminum and renewable energy company
Yara International A leading fertilizer company